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Partner with Rocking Robots

Mission: Rocking Robots tells the story of humans, robots and artificial intelligence. More than ever, technology affects society as a whole, from people and companies to government and healthcare. We follow this digital transformation and the people who are shaping the new world.

Rocking Robots follows the rapid developments in Robotics, AI and RPA, and reports on the platform in the form of news articles, background stories, videos and blogs. The content is created by a team of experienced technology journalists, videographers and photographers, and will also be widely shared through our social media channels.

Why participate as a partner?

Partners of this leading platform have the opportunity to bring their AI and Robotics proposition to the attention of executives strategically involved in investments in innovative technology. Partners present themselves to this target group with high-quality content as thought leaders and forerunners in the field of AI and Robotics. The editorial content can also be used freely for their own marketing activities, with which partners can distinguish themselves in their own communications with high-quality content about their market and proposition.

What are the benefits?

  • High-quality content for your own marketing campaigns;
  • Your proposition and vision are brought to the attention of executives who are strategically involved in AI & Robotics through an independent channel;
  • Emphasize Thought Leadership in AI & Robotics;
  • And ultimately: more business.

Partner program

AI and Robotics is an irreversible trend where organizations, if they use this technology in the right way, can immediately achieve tangible benefits. Because the developments in this field are unprecedentedly fast, there is a great need for insight, inspiration and practical information. Rocking Robots partners can use their own expertise and experience to meet this need with their customers and potential customers.

Factsheet Rocking Robots community JUNE24