Home Bots & Brains Research: AI shows human-like behavior

Research: AI shows human-like behavior

by Marco van der Hoeven

Stanford and Google researchers have made a new breakthrough n artificial intelligence (AI) by creating “generative agents” that behave in a remarkably human-like way. These agents were programmed to have the ability to communicate with others and their environment, remember and recall information, reflect on observations, and form plans for each day. In essence, they were given the capacity to think and act like humans.

The researchers preloaded 25 of these AI agents with a starting persona, which included an identity, information about other characters, relationships, and intentions for the day. Once they pressed play, the agents demonstrated an extraordinary range of behaviors that seem remarkably human-like. They were able to share information with each other, form new relationships, and remember them. They could also coordinate with each other to achieve their goals.


One of the key components of this technology was the AI agents’ ability to store memories and retrieve them based on recency, importance, and relevance. This means that the agents were able to recall past events and use that information to inform their behavior. They could also reflect on their memories and form new insights.

Another important aspect of the AI agents’ behavior was their ability to form and revise plans. The agents started by forming broad plans with 5-8 “chunks,” which they then broke down into 1-hour increments, then 5-15 minute increments. This allowed them to be flexible in responding to new observations and changes in their environment.


The potential applications of this technology are vast. The researchers suggest that it could be used in virtual reality worlds, in-person robots, and to simulate human behavior on online forums. For example, it could be used to create more lifelike characters in video games or to develop more intelligent chatbots for customer service.

However, the implications of this technology go beyond just improving video games and chatbots. The ability to create AI agents that can think and act like humans raises important ethical questions. If these agents become too human-like, should they be granted some form of rights or protections? Should there be regulations to limit the use of this technology?


The potential for AI to become more human-like is both exciting and daunting. On the one hand, it could revolutionize the way we interact with technology and bring us closer to creating machines that are truly intelligent. On the other hand, it could lead to unintended consequences and raise difficult ethical questions. It’s up to us to use this technology responsibly and ensure that it benefits society as a whole.

In conclusion, the development of generative agents that behave like humans is a significant milestone in the field of AI. The technology has the potential to transform the way we interact with technology and bring us closer to creating machines that are truly intelligent. However, we must also be aware of the ethical implications and ensure that this technology is used responsibly.

Download the research paper here

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